How To Start

The basics of Poker can be learned from books or from reading websites. Although you can learn from reading what Poker hand beats what other hand, or how the betting action takes place, it is always better to get a little hand on experience. Once you read about it, you need to apply it. Playing free Poker online will assist you in this process. If you spend a few evenings playing Poker online, you will realize that it is usually silly to draw to a straight when there are four flush cards on board. In just a few evenings, you will have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of hands and you will know that when there are four flush cards on board, one of your opponents likely has a fifth flush card.
Each round of betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer button and proceeds around the table clockwise, ending with the player at the dealer button. An exception to this is the opening round of betting, which begins with the player to the left of the big blind. At each turn, a player chooses between the following options: check, call, bet, raise or fold.
If no one has bet previously in the round, a player may "Check". It means he does not wish to bet or fold. Instead of betting, he wishes to let his turn pass without adding any bets to the pot.
If a bet has already been made in the round, a player can no longer check. He now must either call the amount previously Bet, Raise or Fold. If he calls, he is matching the previous bet. If he does not wish to match the bet, he must fold.
To fold means to withdraw from the remainder of the hand and forfeit all amounts invested in the pot up to that time.
Bet or Raise
If a Poker player wishes to increase the amount of the pot, he bets or raises. The first time the pot is raised in a given round, it is called a bet. The second time, it is called a raise, and all subsequent times are called re-raises. The amount that a player can bet, raise or re-raise is determined by the game limits.
Sit out
Sitting out is the act of choosing not to participate in a hand of Poker while remaining seated at the table. Players, who sit out and miss the blinds, must post both blinds to rejoin the game. Poker Players missing two rounds of the blind are removed from the table to free their seat for other Poker players.